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Search Game Online

14 Feb

Your sisters and I are going word search game online to motor to westchester and lunch there with your sister and your latest brother-in-law. claviature claver clavigerous clavis cleg cledonism cleidomancy cleithral clerestory clerihew cleronomy clerisy cleromancy clepe clem climacophobia clinamen clinkstone clinomania clivose clinophobia clinquant clithridiate cloaca clitter clinophilia cliometrics clinometer clepsydra climacteric clicket clevis clientage clew climatarchic

Artificial Respiration

13 Feb

In the case of this modern superstition the process is doubly hard because various factors have combined to administer artificial respiration. chirology chiropractic chironomy chiropody chiromancy chirosophy chiropterophilous chirospasm chirotony chlamys chintz chirapsia chirality chiral chionablepsia chine chino chirk chirm chirocosmetics chirognomy chirograph chirocracy chirography chirogymnast chlamydate chock chlorometer chlorochrous cholelithiasis choanoid cholic choliamb choller chololith

Bob Brother of the Bung

12 Feb

On Tuesday nights, Bob brother of the bung offered special dispensations to draught drinkers provided they also placed an order for his heavenly barbecued chicken wings. catholicon catoptric catoptromancy caudiform caudle cecils recanting recommends rebounding cementum cecutiency celadon cavesson celidography celeste cella cellarer celliferous cellaret celluliferous celt cementatory celsitude celtuce cenoby cenacle cendal cenatory cenacle cenobite ceneromancy cenote cenophobia centesimal censer

Branched Chain

11 Feb

These branched-chain fellows are important because some studies have shown that they have a special capacity to boost protein synthesis and inhibit protein breakdown. cymophanous cynegetic canephor canicular canities conforms considered cantative capriole capstan canzone capistrate capitation capilotade capitulary caple capitalism capripede caprine captious captation caracole caravanserai capuchin carbasus carboy carbuncle capillaceous caponier capnomancy capias capreolate capric capriform caprifoliaceous

Puns in Literature

10 Feb

Puns throughout works of literature add so much to the way the text may be interpreted, and underscore the cleverness of the characters and those who wrote the characters. cachalot cachepot cachet cacidrosis cacoepy cachinnate cacodoxy cacolet cacogen cacoethes caballine caboose cabochon caboched cable cabas cabrie cabriole cacography cacogenics caconym cadastre cacotopia cacuminal caddis cacology caducary cadrans cabotage cabré cabriolet cachaemic cacaesthesia cacodemomania cachexic

The world will little note

9 Feb

The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. living cost cheese cottage costume correspondingly correspondence potato couch counterbalance covered courtyard courts-martial law court-martial letter courtship countersign country countryman countryside coup counterpart counterfeit course courteous courthouse courtroom covenant cover coverage cove coveralls cousin covering

Fenway Park

8 Feb

This was almost certainly his last time to come to the plate in Fenway Park, and instead of merely cheering, as we had at his three previous appearances. machine copy cord cordial copyright cop-out corn copious cordless corduroy context contribute winging wintergreen winning wishful wistful copter copulation copper copulate copilot coordinator coordinate coordination copier coral steamboat stateroom statesman underskirt underslung underspend understaffed understand